Ciara Kelleher – final year Speech and Language Therapy student at Trinity College Dublin.

As part of my final year project, which is titled ‘Children with Rare Diseases: A survey of parent perspectives on their children’s speech, language, and communication needs’, I will be carrying out a survey of parents of children under 18 with rare diseases to investigate their perspective on the speech, language and communication needs of their child.

This is an anonymous survey carried out via Survey Monkey, the findings of which will hopefully provide some much needed information on the speech, language and communication profiles of children living with rare diseases, as well as accessibility of information and healthcare professional knowledge in the area of rare diseases.

Following up on my previous email, I have attached the survey flyer, participation information leaflet and link to this email. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this on your social media platforms, with your email subscribers and in your newsletters, where applicable. 

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at this email or my supervisor Dr Yvonne Lynch  (

Warm regards and many thanks,

Ciara KelleherFinal Year Speech and Language TherapyTrinity College Dublin

Survey Link: